22 Kislev 5785
23rd December 2024

Shema Israel Communities, is a network of Communities (synagogues) of messianic conviction, established in several in some States of the USA, and in some cities of some countries such as USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia , Brazil, and in Spain, in the city of Malaga; The Shema Israel Synagogues are established with a vision to house the Bney Anusim and those who identify with Israel and the Jewish People. Each community is deeply identified with the Jewish Messiah Yeshua haMashiach and the Apostolic Writings; A network of congregations observing the Torah, the Feasts of the Eternal and of course the Shabath and the Kasherut.

Picture of Rabino Avi Ner

Rabbi Avi Ner


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